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Southeast Caucasian Antique Rug
3' 11" x 5' 10" (119cm x 178cm) 3rd Quarter, 19th Century
BIDJOV SHIRVAN, Southeast Caucasian
3' 11" x 5' 10"
119cm x 178cm
3rd Quarter, 19th Century
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("New Arrivals Gallery") Evocative graphics from the Bidjov Shirvan design tradition provide haunting anthropological images and symbols that are deeply admired by collectors. The Bidjov sub-style’s phenomenal visual energy reimagines dragon and sunburst motifs while in this iteration, soaring deconstructed winged forms rivet our attention, brilliantly expressed by a highly creative weaver. Among the fascinating scenes are trios of female weavers along with their canine companions, and horsemen riding side saddle in native costume. The more esoteric devices such as a diamond chessboard surrounded by tiny cloud bands and four-armed floating flowers. The luminous azure field is also rife with a spectacle of age-old tribal ornaments designed to imbue the owner of this rug with good fortune. An extraordinarily vivid color palette meets the charmed viewer’s eye with dazzling admixtures of hue. The exciting Chi Chi border features an exciting pattern of wonderfully whimsical diagonal bars and exploded versions of geometric rosettes. This Bidjov Shirvan distills the challenge and splendor of life in this high Caucasian mountain region into a work of art that remains in remarkably conserved condition throughout.
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