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Northeast Caucasian Antique Rug
3' 7" x 5' 10" (109cm x 178cm) Circa 1850
KARAGASHLI KUBA, Northeast Caucasian
3' 7" x 5' 10"
109cm x 178cm
Circa 1850
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("One of “60 Best-of-Their-Type Rugs Sold in 2023") Karagashli is a small village in the northeastern Kuba weaving district of the Caucasus Mountains. This elegant tribal rug displays a variant of the classic Karagashli design resting upon a boldly and skillfully abrashed spacious indigo ground. Each of the four square medallions, alternating in brick red and sandstone, enclose a highly stylized flowerhead in various cerulean shades. Each square is separated by split palmettes each with a distinctive cross design. regal-looking crowned animal form, flanked by pairs of what are possibly gazelles or the mythical 'kylin' or 'qilin. A single pair of candelabra or vase arrangements rests in the lower portion of the field while numerous smaller animal forms, and geometricized blossoms are scattered amidst the primary motifs.
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