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Southeast Caucasian Antique Rug
3' 5" x 5' 3" (104cm x 160cm) Circa 1900
Price: $5,200
SHIRVAN, Southeast Caucasian
3' 5" x 5' 3"
104cm x 160cm
Circa 1900
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("New Arrivals Gallery") This charmingly whimsical antique Caucasian Shirvan rug is especially vibrant, with potent shades of coral to carnelian, saffron, jade and cobalt intertwined in a cohesive juxtaposition of color. Reminiscent of the Gubpa subgroup, a trio of medallions share the midnight indigo field. Successive latch hook lozenges are deftly integrated into the serrated shield forms implying a sophisticated dimensionality. They are aptly framed by a series of cheerful graphic borders, including the crisply drawn ‘leaf and calyx’ pattern in its ivory main border. Supporting motifs introduce a freeform and invention into the design that includes a plethora of delightful multi-colored boteh or ‘Seeds of Life.’ Happily, at 120 years old, this absolutely charming rug is also in very good condition for its age.
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