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Southern Central Caucasian Antique Rug
4' 10" x 6' 3" (147cm x 190cm) Late 19th Century
Price: $7,200
LESGHI, Southern Central Caucasian
4' 10" x 6' 3"
147cm x 190cm
Late 19th Century
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("New Arrivals Gallery") A sparkling jewel of tribal weaving near the end of the 19th century, this exuberant Caucasian rug from the Lesghi tribe boasts a compelling design harmony, and the entrancing patina of age only found in antique pieces. Two pixelated starburst medallions share the lava red field with Stars of Wisdom, magical emblems, a sprinkling of diamonds, and geometric talismans meant to imbue the rug with protective power. The colors here are superb and bold enough to proclaim the dyer’s skill across the ages. The intricate interlock of the ivory primary border is a play on the Greek key theme evoking the lapping waves on a golden shore. Hieroglyphic-like birds in profile adorn the majority of motifs in spontaneously rendered sizes and shapes. A parade of technicolor roundels in the narrower bands separated by guard stripes completes the energetic frame. This visually compelling, elemental rug would be a prime option for a Caucasian rug enthusiast or just a lover of fascinating folk artistry, either as art for the wall or in a place of pride on the floor.
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