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Southeast Caucasian Antique Rug
3' 11" x 4' 8" (119cm x 142cm) Late 19th Century
Price: $6,800
SHIRVAN, Southeast Caucasian
3' 11" x 4' 8"
119cm x 142cm
Late 19th Century
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This magical tribal example from the Caucasus offers a playfully inventive and delightfully whimsical type of folk art. Luminous gold tones, along with carnelian, set this piece apart from the more often seen palette of deeper reds and blues, successfully capturing the warmth of the afternoon sun. Further augmenting the color palette are punctuations of cobalt, walnut, azure, and sparingly used rare pistachio. In a relatively unusual design format, this rug's field is a series of horizontal registers that subtly constrict and animate three rows of highly abstracted dragon motifs emanating strength and protection. The truncated "Tree of Life" forms located in two of the bands add an irresistible sense of movement with this shifting of alignment intentionally created by the accomplished tribal weaver.
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