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Northeast Caucasian Antique Rug
4' 2" x 5' 4" (127cm x 163cm) 3rd Quarter, 19th Century
Price upon request
SHIRVAN PRAYER RUG, Northeast Caucasian
4' 2" x 5' 4"
127cm x 163cm
3rd Quarter, 19th Century
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As your eyes scan across this fabulously preserved tribal prayer rug, a dexterous play of color and form unfolds that continually delights and surprises. It aptly exemplifies the great artistic ability of Caucasian rug art to maintain a seemingly effortless balance amid so much variation. Glowing saffron and evocative rare greens are only two of many delightful tonalities of this superb, collector-level antique Caucasian Shirvan prayer rug. Within its complex latticework, each stylized tulip flower is drawn with great clarity and individual nuance. Don’t miss the weaver’s comb and her scissors in the spandrels on either side on both sides of the mihrab prayer niche, demonstrating that its weaver considered rug-making to be a precious, even sacred activity. It is no wonder Caucasian prayer rugs are often hung on the wall so that they can be viewed at eye level.
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Northeast Caucasian Antique Rug
4' 2" x 5' 4"
127cm x 163cm
3rd Quarter, 19th Century