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West Central Persian Antique Carpet
8' 11" x 12' 9" (272cm x 389cm) Late 19th Century
Price: $40,000
FERAHAN SAROUK, West Central Persian
8' 11" x 12' 9"
272cm x 389cm
Late 19th Century
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In the 19th century, a distinctive weaving tradition developed in northern Persia that blended a more refined curvilinear aesthetic with geometric influences from the surrounding tribes and villages. Expressing a splendid symphony of naturally derived earthy tones, this piece offers both a dazzling, grand medallion and a panoply of charming, botanical details. Resting on a deep sapphire reserve, the radial centerpiece expands, ending in beautifully scrolling serrated leaves. A network of chiseled vinery proliferates encircling it, revealing numerous, individually drawn flower faces expressed in festive, complementary shades to the medallion and field. Lobed spandrels chromatically echo the medallion, while the spacious, blossom meander pattern in the main border contributes tremendous character to this fascinating piece.
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