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Central Persian Antique Rug
3' 5" x 5' 6" (104cm x 168cm) Circa 1920
Price: $7,000
3' 5" x 5' 6"
104cm x 168cm
Circa 1920
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Antique Kashans woven from incredibly lanolin-rich lamb’s wool imported from Manchester, England make for a distinctly luxurious rug. In excellent condition, this century-old accent rug is comprised of elegant blossoms and tendrils, spaciously arranged throughout the field of rich sapphire blue, which is more seldom found than its red-ground relatives. Subtle color shifts, an exceptionally fine weave, and lucidly chiseled detail work greatly amplify the beauty of its harmonious botanical design of floating boughs around a single central ornament. Small Manchester Kashans, such as this delightful gem, are both few-and-far-between and well-loved among our clients for the numerous options they offer for decorating small areas of the home with distinctive, jewel-toned beauty.
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