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Southwest Persian Antique Rug
4' 8" x 6' 8" (142cm x 203cm) Circa 1875
Price: $11,000
QASHQAI, Southwest Persian
4' 8" x 6' 8"
142cm x 203cm
Circa 1875
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Attempting the intricacies of the beloved Herati all-over design seen here is part of the diverse Qashqai repertoire. In this animated rendition, the signature flowerheads, partial lattice, and curved feathery leaves exhibit a tribal twist infused with vibrant color. Luminous sapphire and difficult to procure mossy greens are juxtaposed with ivory and bright azure blue highlights, further vivifying the lively scene. Subliminal asymmetries abound while tiny individualistic ornaments fill every space to ensure a lifetime of enjoyable visual discovery. Electrifying rosettes and serrated oak leaves on a rich burgundy border ground attest to an age-old folk art aesthetic. Happily, this nomadic rug remains in wonderful, good-pile condition at nearly 1-½ centuries of age. Its versatile dimensions are large enough to be featured as a centerpiece in a cozy room and in wonderful condition for regular floor use.
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