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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
4' 5" x 6' 3" (135cm x 190cm) Circa 1900
Price: $14,000
SERAPI HERIZ, Northwest Persian
4' 5" x 6' 3"
135cm x 190cm
Circa 1900
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This captivating village rug sits astride a transition between 19th century Serapi rug design and 20th century Heriz. However, this piece retains much of the highly celebrated traits from over 120 years ago. The rich madder red field contains a vinery outlined multi-faceted midnight indigo radial form, with a wonderfully striking inner ivory star medallion. This centerpiece is surrounded by spaciously drawn stylized botanical ornaments and serrated fronds with four cornflower blue cornerpieces enclosing the entire reserve. The spontaneously expressed burnished gold-toned main border, utilizing a broad flowerhead and rosette motif with finely etched vinery, is flanked by narrow secondary borders that shift almost imperceptibly from deep teal to sea green. All stylized elements in this piece are given space, allowing a viewer to enjoy every inspiration the artist-weavers applied to this refreshingly uncomplicated, painterly rug.
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