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West Central Persian Antique Carpet
10' 3" x 13' 11" (312cm x 424cm) Late 19th Century
Price: $42,000
SULTANABAD, West Central Persian
10' 3" x 13' 11"
312cm x 424cm
Late 19th Century
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Reflecting a harmonious atmosphere, this over-130-year-old town carpet from Sultanabad is distinguished by a quite spirited and inventive design and a unique secondary palette of colors. A casual symmetry balances its stylized floral display capturing a sense of movement like a slow river, its overscale floating blossoms swaying naturally. Around a polychrome central blossom made up of unusual gold, silver, platinum, and spruce tonalities, evocative overscale gold and platinum-toned palmettes, guava-toned peonies, and silvery tendrils circle on a deftly textured, crimson ground. Enlivened by strokes of intentional abrash, a sumptuous array of hues include shades of peach, sea green, and a sparkling lapis blue most prominent in the main border. Happily, this approximately 10' x 14' carpet offers an original, imaginative overall pattern and outstanding condition appropriate for applications throughout the home
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