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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
5' 0" x 12' 4" (152cm x 376cm) Dated 1884
Price upon request
BIJAR CAMELHAIR, Northwest Persian
5' 0" x 12' 4"
152cm x 376cm
Dated 1884
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On magnificent display in this Bijar corridor carpet in heavier-pile condition is the glorious natural variation of golden camelhair decorating the field of this stately and, at the same time, stirring piece. Its buoyant hexagonal medallion is filled with a creatively deconstructed version of the famed ‘Herati’ pattern, also reflected in the spandrels, while rosettes and cubist blossoms strategically ornament ultra-long pendants. The expanse of dramatic, unadorned camelhair powerfully enhances the illusion that the centerpiece is floating in mid-air, whimsically accompanied by two comedic boteh seeds perfectly placed. The time-softened patina of significant age allows swathes of expertly abrashed crimson, coral, sky blue, and various prized green hues to join in a harmonious duet of striation with the well-piled camelhair ground. A partial date at the very top of the rug “132” most likely refers to 1302 (1884).
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