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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
4' 1" x 7' 4" (124cm x 224cm) Late 19th Century
Price: $12,000
BIJAR, Northwest Persian
4' 1" x 7' 4"
124cm x 224cm
Late 19th Century
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This entirely original antique Persian Bijar (Bidjar) rug presents several enrapturing features. Its prized ivory ground is adorned with an allover rendering of stylized bouquets of roses (a motif known as Guli Farang, translated as "Foreign Flower"), while the border is based in a strikingly unique tone of naturally dyed mustard yellow. Rugs such as this woven in the town of Bijar were woven on a strong compressed, extremely sturdy foundation, giving them the monitor "The Iron Rugs of Persia."
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