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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
4' 3" x 6' 9" (130cm x 206cm) Circa 1850
Price upon request
FERAHAN SAROUK, Northwest Persian
4' 3" x 6' 9"
130cm x 206cm
Circa 1850
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("New Arrivals Gallery") Displaying an elegant, exquisitely balanced design, this consummately crafted, very early Ferahan Sarouk offers a very seldom encountered level of artistic maturity and technical achievement. Expressive botanical forms exude meticulous attention to detail in the surrounding ivory reserve and luxuriant corner spandrels. Each flower, leaf, and vine is crisply articulated and drawn with notable originality and delicacy. They are enlivened by vivid, profoundly saturated jewel tones, including a rare shade of leaf green that shines as though we were viewing a stained glass rose window in a French cathedral. A dexterous use of intentional color striations throughout the piece not only illustrates the aesthetic skill of the weaver but adds a palpable sense of movement and depth to the overall composition. The relatively narrow primary border is still visually enchanting with conical technicolor blossoms attached to golden vinery seemingly flowing along at top speed. Happily, it also remains in heavier pile condtion.
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