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Southeast Persian Antique Rug
4' 7" x 7' 7" (140cm x 231cm) Circa 1850
Price upon request
KERMANSHAH, Southeast Persian
4' 7" x 7' 7"
140cm x 231cm
Circa 1850
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One-in-the-world Persian city rugs, such as this exquisite piece, express a maestro's sense of pattern and harmony combined with mind-boggling chromatic splendor. A spectacular radial lobed medallion is filled with blossoms flowing from a lotus and starflower core, seen as a courtyard fountain from above. Extended botanical orbs containing cloudband garlands, representing the energy of the celestial dragon, are tipped by elegant anchor pendants. In the rug's field are finely detailed peonies, pansies, and curling wisteria that again remind us of influences from the Far East, reciprocated along the fabled Silk Routes. Midnight indigo-based spandrels adorned with gilded Rococo flowers envelop portals that reveal otherworldly tableaus. The richly dyed color represented here is the result of virtuosic dyeing techniques using natural sources that are now all but lost.
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