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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
5' 0" x 7' 5" (152cm x 226cm) Circa 1850
SENNEH COLUMN RUG, Northwest Persian
5' 0" x 7' 5"
152cm x 226cm
Circa 1850
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("One of “60 Best-of-Their-Type Rugs Sold in 2023") Antique Senneh rugs hail from the northwest region of Persia, and were particularly influenced by the fine knot work from nearby city weaving centers. Their very distinctive style of weaving which is the result of employing the Turkish or Ghiordes knot. The weavers, especially during the 19th century, excelled in producing highly memorable art carpets through the use of exceptional and unique artistic compositions. Here, the beloved “Garden of Paradise” motif receives special treatment by simplifying the design down to two striking columns, based in persimmon, supporting a series of upper ornamented archways. Beneath the archways reside spaciously drawn stylized floral motifs in tones of persimmon, indigo, and coral, all resting upon an alabaster ground. The drawing details bring the garden to life with the use of diagonal lines etched along the upward expanses of the pillars, and the profusion of decorative flowers adorning the archways.
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