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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
3' 5" x 16' 5" (104cm x 500cm) Late 19th Century
Price: $15,000
3' 5" x 16' 5"
104cm x 500cm
Late 19th Century
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Upon a warm camelhair backdrop, cabochon gem tones are paired with chiseled design in this offering from Serab; famed for the proficient use of undyed camelhair in their durable, ever fashionable creations. A kaleidoscopic pattern of angular sprig and flower motifs and abstracted blossoms in tones of cobalt, saffron, French blue, pistachio and umber, provides the background for three and a half scallop-edged diamond medallions with jewel centerpieces that are flanked by matching bisected forms all displaying marvelously whimsical geometric ornaments. The truncated version at bottom animates this piece with a conveyor like movement. This richly decorated field is framed by a series of charming borders, from rainbowed single helices to an unusually generous outer frame that bears innovatively overscale, spaciously arranged "flaming” coral hued boteh seeds. Its extraordinary good condition makes it ideal for a heavily trafficked hall.
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