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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
4' 0" x 6' 1" (122cm x 185cm) Circa 1875
Price upon request
4' 0" x 6' 1"
122cm x 185cm
Circa 1875
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A vivid expression of why we term our antique rugs art level, this piece projects an enrapturing visual impact more commonly seen in its much larger counterparts. The shimmering burnt copper ground supports an ambiance of elegance and grace, animating the delightfully boteh-centric composition. Pod-like forms appendage the kaleidoscopic cruciform centerpiece of the medallion, while supercharged versions expand into each corner. Dancing seeds gambol around architectural vinery and tiny coniferous trees in the ethereal border. This ingenious patterning creates a shrine to these sacred ‘Seeds of Life.' Unabashed shifts in color from paled celadon to Aegean green in the main border and outer margin establish a dramatic yet harmonizing effect overall. Its extremely fine weave, superlative workmanship, and outstanding condition assure this memorable rug would add great sophistication and visual intrigue to almost any surrounding.
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