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Northwest Persian Antique Carpet
9' 5" x 12' 3" (287cm x 373cm) Late 19th Century
SERAPI HERIZ, Northwest Persian
9' 5" x 12' 3"
287cm x 373cm
Late 19th Century
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("New Arrivals Gallery") This incredibly engaging antique Serapi-Heriz carpet from Persian Azerbaijan is an early successor to the beloved Serapi design, combining a rustic folk art aesthetic with a sophisticated knowledge of line, color, spacing, and proportion. A delectable rosy sandstone ground deftly exhibits an ecstatic assortment of dreamscape, nature-inspired forms from gargantuan flowerheads and radial rosettes to tiny buds and split palmettes, each interconnected by an elegantly drawn vinery system. Enclosing sunburst blossoms are shapely pairs of “fronds” well on their way to morphing into curling cloudbands, the heralds of the Celestial Dragon, a favorite mythical being among the carpet-weaving world adopted from the Far East through caravans along the Silk Routes. As a transitional style, this piece is a masterclass in evocative abrash color shifts that harken to earlier times, well thought out in advance and dexterously applied throughout the entirety of the carpet, leaving no room for chromatic boredom from the standpoint of the viewer. Fashioned from top-grade mountain wool, its condition remains superb at well over a century of age, providing immense durability.
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