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Northwest Persian Antique Carpet
8' 7" x 12' 10" (262cm x 391cm) Circa 1850
SERAPI, Northwest Persian
8' 7" x 12' 10"
262cm x 391cm
Circa 1850
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("One of “60 Best-of-Their-Type Rugs Sold in 2023") This mid-19th-century Serapi is a weaving whose masterfully dyed colors take center stage, with carefully crafted individual tones, such as pale rose, soft coral, salmon, and Indian red. Each tone also receives delicate color shading or abrash, which is enhanced by the spaciousness of its design allowing the colors to sing together like an impassioned choir. The weavers also took great care in creating a design where different scales work together in great harmony, from minuscule to vastly overscale. The elegantly elongated, watermelon-toned field encloses a deep indigo diamond reserve and abstracted flora. The color shifting indigo outer reserve and especially the powder blue in the innermost central medallion evoke an endless sky. A striking broad palmette in tones of ivory and walnut brown are found in each corner.
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