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Southeast Persian Antique Carpet
10' 9" x 15' 9" (328cm x 480cm) Circa 1920
Price: $27,000
LAVER KIRMAN, Southeast Persian
10' 9" x 15' 9"
328cm x 480cm
Circa 1920
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With its ethereal delicacy and glowing pastel palette, this delightful oversize Laver Kirman carpet from the early 20th century captures the essential traits that draw so many of our clients to this sophisticated classical Persian style. Set to best effect by a fluid, apparently effortless design, soft pastel tones animate an expressive assortment of tiny floral motifs where light and dark tones provide harmonious counterpoint. This lightness is made possible by the most skillful craftsmanship,with notable features such as its exquisite, nuanced cornerpieces attesting to the presence of an unusually accomplished weaving workshop.
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