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Northwest Persian Antique Rug
3' 6" x 5' 0" (107cm x 152cm) Circa 1900
Price: $6,200
KURDISH BIJAR, Northwest Persian
3' 6" x 5' 0"
107cm x 152cm
Circa 1900
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This deeply personal antique Kurdish Bijar town rug offers a delightfully novel combination of the classical Vase format with an abundance of large and small bird motifs. This rug's glowing sandstone ground captures a spacious, mesmerizing repeat of guli farang ("foreign flower") blossoms with tiny, lifelike trees in the open spaces. Each bird seems to have its own personality, and is clearly drawn by a highly sensitive, dexterous weaver deftly expressing their direct experience with nature. In its stylized elegance, fine weave, and notable precision, this antique Kurdish rug’s craftsmanship reveals the hidden, virtuoso dexterity that underlies the best antique folk art weavings from this region.
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