Northwest Persian Antique Rug
3' 8" x 6' 2" (112cm x 188cm) Circa 1900
Price: $9,000
3' 8" x 6' 2"
112cm x 188cm
Circa 1900
This is a particularly refined Bibikabad with an exquisitely drawn latticework of a surprisingly subtle nature. Each gentle shift in the warm camelhair reserve adds great visual interest and depth, heightening the sense of delicacy and gradual change in compositional weighting. A splendid blend of scales places a grand, almost tribal star amidst the remainder of very delicate small-scale detail motifs that appear throughout. lovingly preserved in heavy pile condition, it also offers excellent wool quality, guaranteeing it will continue to engage viewers for many decades to come, even in a frequently traveled area of the home.
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