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Central Persian Antique Carpet
7' 7" x 10' 8" (231cm x 325cm) 2nd Quarter, 19th Century
7' 7" x 10' 8"
231cm x 325cm
2nd Quarter, 19th Century
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("One of “60 Best-of-Their-Type Rugs Sold in 2022") Woven many decades before the appellation of 'Mohtasham' was connected with this venerable style, this exceptionally early precursor offers the attributes that create one of the most collectible carpet styles of the 19th century. Displaying a spacious aesthetic reminiscent of Safavid era preferences, a prodigious teardrop medallion of softened teal is large enough to house a crystalline star medallion, a second set of pendants, and much more. This celadon expanse creates a deeply symphonic impact when placed aside the equally expansive spectrum of reddish tones in the field, including rust, mahogany, cinnabar, and their shadings. The drawing is mesmerizing in its portrayal of movement, the more astounding in combination with its rigorous crispness detailing the blossoms. A deeply time-softened patina imparts a sheen to its numerous subtle hues, a coveted feature for Mohtasham enthusiasts. Continuing the carpet's alluring mastery to its edges, a majestic main border pattern of glowing flora and dignified birds is drawn with winsome delicacy.
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