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North Central Persian Antique Rug
4' 8" x 6' 10" (142cm x 208cm) Circa 1875
Price upon request
4' 8" x 6' 10"
142cm x 208cm
Circa 1875
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This century-and-a-half-old Tehran "Garden of Paradise” rug is an astonishing window that gives the viewer a front-row seat to a kinetic illustration of nature in motion. Flower-studded branches house exotic birds, including a dedicated mating pair successfully defending their nest. At the right, a delightfully rendered, fully maned lion roars, startling forest deer that quickly exit stage left. A leopard sneaks toward another lion’s successful hunt, but the cautious cat is alert and has become wary. A full spectrum of richly brewed hues goes above and beyond in this untamed drama and invests this rug with the enlivening glow of now-lost color recipes. Every motif of this dynamo rug is imbued with an expertly conceived dimensionality thorugh abrash textures. Within each panel of the border, a new scene unfolds. Gazelle couples nuzzle one another beneath the blooming boughs while a proud mother hen observes her chicks eagerly pecking at the earth. The condition is magnificent, with copious fringe remaining. This Tehran is a major piece appropriate for special floor placement or displayed as tapestry art.
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