West Central Persian Antique Rug
4' 4" x 6' 2" (132cm x 188cm) 2nd Quarter, 19th Century
Price upon request
FERAHAN, West Central Persian
4' 4" x 6' 2"
132cm x 188cm
2nd Quarter, 19th Century
This extremely early representative of Ferahan unwaveringly exhibits the qualities that the best early Persian town rugs share: an aesthetic fluidity between floral and village weaving that is extremely alluring, imbued with both delicacy and strength. An elongated stepped teardrop medallion perfectly fills the aged ivory reserve; its centerpiece shines like a crown jewel with its ice-blue halo. The robust network of angular vinery was rendered according to the spontaneous inspiration of the artful weaver whose work has endured the ravages of time. Seldom-encountered colors exotic to younger Ferahans include seductive shades of paled rose, moss green, Mayan blue, luminous celadon, and aquamarine, which dominate the palette of this lovely specimen. The daring color shift within the medallion is entirely successful, and without it, this would be a much lesser piece. This exhilarating abrash treatment is found throughout, imbuing this Ferahan with staggering beauty and aliveness many weavers would be too timid and restrained by commercial interest to achieve. Early Ferahan rugs such as this are few and far between due to the extreme odds against their survival. We are fortunate to find this particularly rare piece still in wonderful condition in the Michigan family's collection after 175 years.
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