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Central Persian Antique Carpet
7' 8" x 10' 4" (234cm x 315cm) Circa 1825
7' 8" x 10' 4"
234cm x 315cm
Circa 1825
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("One of “60 Best-of-Their-Type Rugs Sold in 2023") Fine carpets woven by Hadji Hassan Mohtasham in the important carpet making city of Kashan are considered to be some of the most artistic of antique Persian weavings. He was a maestro designer who helped reestablish Kashan as an important weaving center in Persia by the end of the 19th century. His unique masterpieces are characterized by highly sophisticated designs, luminous natural dyes, and superior wool quality. In this stellar example, an over-scale elongated centerpiece with vertical pendants encloses an inner eight-pointed reserve replete with distinctive broad blooms and an innermost sixteen-pointed circular medallion. Each of the pendants displays an elegantly curling “cloudband” motif, a design that originated centuries before in China. This lobed reserve rests upon a deep indigo field adorned with a finely etched “mille fleur” design of blossoms, leaves, and delicate vinery. This is all enclosed by a terra cotta surround featuring a series of repeating flora and minuscule blossoms.
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