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Southeast Caucasian Antique Rug
4' 0" x 7' 4" (122cm x 224cm) 3rd Quarter, 19th Century
Price upon request
SHIRVAN, Southeast Caucasian
4' 0" x 7' 4"
122cm x 224cm
3rd Quarter, 19th Century
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("New Arrivals Gallery") Shirvan tribal rugs have long been prized for their inventiveness, design variety, and artistic spontaneity, married with a fine weave and delectable, richly dyed colors. This stellar representative is endowed with charming combinations of color and shape to delight the attentive eye with a gentle movement. A dazzling column of octagonal medallions commands the field. Each is emblazoned with cruciform devices attended by starburst blossoms. The medallions feature a similar design, yet each becomes beguilingly individual through the deft use of color juxtapositions. The interstitial spaces of the field are ornamented with arcane emblems, pinwheel flowers, knotted rosettes, and other geometric blossoms of varying scales that give the composition a richer dimensionality and depth. The slightly asymmetrical placement of each animates every motif with a sense of gentle movement. The color palette is as delightful as its motifs and includes a rare shade of precious leaf green that was difficult to procure. All are presented upon a rich blue field that itself is an abrashed range of cerulean and cadet blue. Even the crisply drawn, joyous borders are filled with nuance and variation, completing this brilliantly integrated, elemental composition.
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