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North Central Turkey Antique Rug
3' 7" x 5' 4" (109cm x 163cm) Circa 1825
TURKISH LADIK, North Central Turkey
3' 7" x 5' 4"
109cm x 163cm
Circa 1825
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("One of “60 Best-of-Their-Type Rugs Sold in 2023") One of the crown jewels of the Great Lakes Collection, the inventive imagery of this remarkable rug signifies an ancient creative milieu we can only imagine. It exemplifies the enigmatic artistry and adept use of color that characterize the best 19th-century Turkish rugs. A pomegranate tree elegantly ascends a bright azure ground that silhouettes every detail. A Far East-influenced rosette floats at the center with serrated polygons and blossoms. Proudly perched atop the weaver's comb at the apex is an attentive mythical animal overseeing the other denizens in the branches below. Spouted water jugs populate the deep coral-hued cornerpieces in homage to this precious necessity of life. The border suite is a sophisticated, flashy, geometrical extravaganza that is both beguiling and a stroke of visual genius, united by surprising combinations of seasoned luminous hues. Of note is how the weaver cleverly shifted the design in the outer band with such dexterity that it is not immediately apparent. Experienced connoisseurs revere the finest naturally dyed Turkish pieces such as this. Significantly enhancing its collectability, this rug's condition is outstanding.
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