
Cheerful Breakfast Room Illumined by Harmonious, Soft Colors of Antique Tabriz Carpet from the Hadji Jallili Workshop

The unusually delicate artistry of this very special 19th century Hadji Jallili Tabriz carpet profoundly enhances this elegant Breakfast Room, providing the best possible start to a very enjoyable day. Like the morning light streaming through the tall windows, the soft sand, garnet and celadon of this Persian Court weaving contribute their own irresistible luminosity, brightening the space in a way that is continually changing as it encounters the sun’s rays from varying angles. Especially refined, clear drawing allows its lifelike blossoms and botanical forms to effortlessly and harmoniously relate with the natural world seen beyond the patio outside.

Click Here to see our antique Hadji Jallili Tabriz rugs now available.