Curious Objects Podcast:
Learning to Love Antique Rugs
with Jan David Winitz, Part 2

Published September 25, 2024

In this second installment of our appearance on the “Curious Objects” podcast by The Magazine Antiques, Claremont Rug Company president and founder Jan David Winitz and host Ben Miller cover many aspects that are commonly experienced along the way in becoming a rug lover. They upend three prevalent misconceptions about Oriental rugs. Winitz outlines “The Rug Market Pyramid,” the tool he created to categorize any Oriental rug into one of six levels of quality and artistry. Relying on his over 40 years of introducing the creative spirit captured in antique rugs to newcomers and art connoisseurs, Winitz talks about his observations of how his clients develop a personal sense of discernment of a rug’s artistic expression. In the process, Miller and Winitz engage in an animated conversation about four examples from Claremont’s collection, each representing a different level of quality.

CLICK HERE to Listen to Part 1

Antique Persian Ferahan Sarouk Rug.

Antique Ferahan Sarouk Rug | 4′ 4″ x 6′ 8″
2nd quarter 19th century  |  High-Collectible+

Antique Persian Ferahan Sarouk Rug.

Antique Ferahan Sarouk Rug | 4′ 3″ x 6′ 6″
3rd quarter 19th century  |  Connoisseur-Caliber

Antique Persian Mahajiran Sarouk Rug.

Antique Persian Sarouk Rug  |  3′ 6″ x 4′ 10″  |  circa 1925
Decorative  | 

Antique Persian Ferahan Sarouk Rug.

Antique Ferahan Sarouk Rug  |  3′ 5″ x 4′ 10″  |  circa 1910
High-Decorative  | 

Antique Persian Rug Showroom.

Rug display in Claremont Rug Company that prompted the lively discussion
in Part 2 between host Ben Miller and Jan David Winitz.